Help Wanted

                                         Help Wanted

Dear visitor, I am a complete failure as a PR-man.
Any attempt to promote myself in person is likely to end in disaster, since I am so bad at PR.
Therefore I will go the reasonable way and hire people who actually know how to successfully interact with the general public to successfully market my artwork.

There is only one small problem that still needs to be solved: I can ́t really afford to hire someone at the moment.
To earn the money to hire a PR-Man to sell my artwork... I have created artwork that needs a PR-Man to be marketed.
I do indeed realize the irony in that, but I am confident that enough artwork will be sold to people who care about my creativity more than about my salesmanship.

                                             Hide the Pain Harald

Mister Andras Arato, better known on the Internet as „Hide the Pain Harold“ is really good at interacting with people and, as this video showsI Accidentally Became A Meme: Hide The Pain Harold - YouTube , he would make a great PR-Man for „Brave Farm Girl“.
I also have a number of Ugandan Youtubers who would really profit from his support, this is the link to that list: German Oyinbo (

Since I currently do not have enough money to hire a star of his calibre, I am not going to waste the time of his management by making an insulting lowball offer.
However, I can afford to license two of his pictures and try to sell them as prints in order to raise enough funds to hire „Hide the Pain Harold“ himself. Wish me luck.

You want to help?
I appreciate that, really! If you would be interested in volunteering to help with my projects, please feel free to contact me. But please note, since I have a precise concept of which influencer I want to hire for which project, I can't offer any paid positions beyond that at the moment.
Companies, specialized in SEO, marketing or related topics, I wish to directly address to NOT contact me! If I'm interested, I will find you and contact you myself. Thank you.