Kategorie: Brave Farm Girl

On the 12.06.2021 American Youtuber „Sabbatical“ Sabbatical - YouTube visited a remote village in the Ruwenzori Mountains in Uganda. He was accompanied by his fellow Youtuber „Miss Josey“ Miss Josey - YouTube from Uganda, who acted both as a guide and a translator.

When they passed the family farm of the Kabagumas, one of the Kabaguma children started crying and ran away. The reason: Never in her life had she seen an Oyinbo like Mister Sabbatical and was hence shocked by this strange man. African Kid Sees White Guy, Thinks He's A Ghost (#51) - YouTube

Miss Josey and the rest oft he Kabagumas introduced little Maria to Sabbatical and helped her overcome her initial fear of this strange looking man (from her perspective).

The video of this encounter went viral, with currently (25.08.2022) more than 15 million views.

That is where I, German Oyinbo, would like to step in: Since the Kabaguma family does not appear to be doing particularly well financially, I decided to turn the success of the viral video into a source of income for the Kabaguma family.

My way of doing that:

Firstly, I have changed the story slightly: In „Brave Farm Girl“ it is the rest of the family that is afraid of the Oyinbo and brave little Maria is the only one who is not scared and convinces them to take Sabbatical in and nurse him back to life.

Yes, nurse him back to life, because in my story he is alone, lost and at death´s door. This is not what really happened, but much better for PR-purposes.

It also allows me to quote the Elisabeth-window from the Elisabeth-church in the German University-Town of Marburg. The story of Saint Elisabeth is fascinating, she was a noblewoman who cared more for poor commoners than for herself: Elisabeth von Thüringen – Wikipedia

Since Marburg is an University-Town, there will be many students, both past, present and future ones that might take an interest in „Brave Farm Girl“ and travel to Uganda to visit this new tourist attraction.

To make this possible I had my painting printed on a tarp. This tarp will be displayed at the Kabaguma farm, so that the Kabagumas can charge visitors admission and sell souvenirs and services. I have a deep trust that the Kabagumas will be able to come up with other creative ways to make money that have not yet occured to me.

The painting itself still needs to be delivered to the Kabaguma farm. I think it is most appropriate for Sabbatical and Miss Josey to deliver it together. However, as of the 25.08.2022 Miss Josey is currently in Malaysia and Sabbatical in Ghana.

Therefore it might take a while, but eventually it will be delivered.

Should you, dear visitor, like this idea of mine, please feel free to recommend it to your friends. The more exposure we get, the better. If enough people want to see this project succeed, it does not have to be a dream!

Edit 31.10.2022 In the last couple of days I have spoken to people who are more knowledgeable than me when it comes to Uganda. These people have pointed out some things that I should change before this Project can work as intended.

Therefore as of now this Project is temporarily on hold until I have made the necessary changes. I will keep you updated about my progress.


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